Saturday I started doing my taxes and cleaning the garage. When I got bored with one, I worked on the other. Alas, both are not done...oh well.
Saturday evening I went and visited with a dear friend Matina, who lost her husband a year ago. We planned to go to dinner so I decided we should have a little happy hour first. I brought my bottle of Margarita's already mixed up with tequila and mix. Only $10.99 for a liter at Costco....the Kirkland brand, good stuff!!
We talked and "sipped" and had some fun. She knew I had been eyeing her little vintage chair in her garage for awhile but I know she doesn't give up things easily (who doesn't :} and if it held memories for her I didn't want to take it from her. She had been thinking about it and decided to give it to me with one caveate, I CAN'T SELL IT!!! I would NeVer.
This chair was hers when she was 6 years old, oh my......I told her my only wish is to see a picture of her in that chair as a child. Wouldn't that be cute? I think so.
And, yes, we did go to dinner.

Sunday I went to a class at PaperTales with Rita and her sister-in-law Christie. We made a ring pin cushion taught by Sabrina. She does beautiful hand work and I worked hard on my pincushion but I know now why I funked Sewing in school. It's not my thing, too tedious for me I guess but all our rings came out pretty darn cute. To see the others run on over to Rita's blog, she took lots of pictures of the rings and the store.
Here's mine....I kinda love it :}

New Week, New "Adventures"
Perfect Jackie. Oh can you do my taxes too? I think you need to finish doing laundry so you can find the dress form's cover, lol. Ciao Rita
Jackie, I love your ring. So good that you tried something new and made a cute one.
hugs, Bon
I LOVE the pin cushion ring! I'm glad you has a blast with your friend :)
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