Then it came to me.......why just put doors on a wall, make them functional by making storage cabinets out of them. I found the old doors that were oh so pretty and crackly and shabby chic and then thought of Rita :} because she knows "the look" and she creates "the look" in all of her work.
I love that Rita is such a mover and shaker and works with wood so I asked if she would build me cabinets from my old doors. She figured it out and said sure. She worked on them between her fab soldering classes and oh so elegant Chateau de Fleurs.
Her husband, Dean came with her to help (no substitute for muscle :} They worked together to give me a killer wall of cabinets. Thank you both.
Check out my cabinets.
Hmmmmmmm I should have had Rita sign her pieces since they are art to me :}
Loved working with you Jackie. Dean just discovered that he is bald! You took the perfect photo. I love the wall color and the clocks too. Your place is looking really cool. Classes here we come. Ciao Rita
Very cool!
Jackie, some dream---you do!!! So glad you are tripping along and doing things that YOU LIKE! Looks great! Hugs geo
Hello, just discovered your blog from reading about it on Rita's - can't wait to see your finished art studio.
LOve these door cabinets... Rita is very talanted wish I lived closer. xo Laura
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